Gold Heads for Worst Quarterly Run Since 2001 on US Economy

Summary: Since 2002, gold has performed extremely well. When the stock market was tanking in 2008, gold was only down slightly. And in response to the Fed’s stimulus activities, gold rocketed to an all-time record high by the summer of 2011. But this quarter will mark the first back-to-back decline for the metal since 2001. Much of this is due to a big stock market rally and encouraging economic data showing a recovery is afoot in the U.S. Read more…

Commentary/opinion: There’s no disputing that gold has taken a beating since its peak in August 2011, which has led many to speculate the metal is in for a longer-term decline. However, many also believe gold will continue to serve as a safe-haven asset and eventually grow beyond the $2000 per ounce mark. Our friends at Provident Metals have an excellent write-up explaining the different aspects of the gold market and how we may be in for a surprise later this year.